Support Ballet Fantastique’s
Passport to Dance Outreach Programs



Ballet Fantastique [outreach] is critically important to Jasper Mountain/SAFE Center’s mission of healing children with trauma. First, our children often have limited experience with the arts and this exposes them to it, possibly for the only time in their young lives. Second, the opportunity to practice the skills they’ve learned during intensive residential treatment by being in a safe setting outside of the Center is key to their success when they return to the community.
— Michelle Perin, Assistant Director, SAFE Center for Abused Children & Jasper Mountain

EXPERIENCE DANCE! Project: BFan’s outreach programs bring dance into Title I schools, sending professional ballet teachers to work with youth in in-school residencies, with a focus on rural areas.

PASSPORT TO DANCE Program: Ballet Fantastique brings K-12 youth to live dance theater world premieres at the Hult at little to no cost for students. For students with little or no prior arts exposure, BFan’s creative brand of dance theater/live music (often with spoken storytelling) proves that dance, live music and theater—as well as the history, cultural diversity and literature that inspire our repertoire—can be accessible and even FUN.

Participating teachers report that BFan represents the *first* and *only* dance exposure their students have ever had, and regularly rate BFan outreach programs a 9-10 out of 10 for “quality” and “impact.” 95% of participating schools served don't have PE, music or art staff, so our programs also fill service area voids. BFan’s work benefits thousands of urban and rural Title I students and spans a multi-county region.

"This performance was truly amazing! A one of a kind show...there was not just one thing that awed the children; all their senses were being stimulated. Even I felt amazed by all the talent that came together to create the best performance that I have ever seen in Eugene. I danced in my seat the entire time and shared a permanent smile like my students."
—Participating outreach teacher, 2018