Be Our Guest: Meet BFan's Beauty and the Beast Guest Musical Group, Trio Voronezh!

BFan Board Member and “Resident Interviewer,” Jacqueline Fernandez, sat down with Trio Voronezh this week to talk about their instruments, musical styles, and how they will be a part of Beauty & the Beast, coming to the Hult Center March 4-6.

We are so grateful to be able to work with such wonderful, talented musicians, and are so excited to introduce you to Trio Voronezh!

Several connections can be made between the balalaika, domra and accordion—but this time, prepare yourself for gothic storytelling, as international award winning Russian folk music band, Trio Voronezh, performs with Ballet Fantastique for this year’s production of Beauty and the Beast

Audiences will be invited to immerse themselves as the Trio’s traditional Russian folk instruments guide BFan dancers on the stage, enticing the audience to appreciate this fairytale adventure like they’ve never experienced it before. BFan is celebrating the story’s gothic undertones, transforming the stage with rich costumes and stimulating movement, pulling on one’s heartstrings with romance and drama, and adding a slice of comedy for the audience to consume. 

“The musical program contains classical Russian folk music, Hungarian dances, it’s quite different,” says musician Sergei Teleshev. 

But this isn’t the first-time fans will experience the music of Trio Voronezh. The last performance of this fairy tale classic was in 2016. 

“The last time we did it, it was super fun, so we’re going to make it super fun again,” says musician Val Pegrukhin.

To add to this year’s intrigue, the group prepared a special arrangement specifically for this year’s performance. 

There will also be fan favorites from Russian composer Tchaikovsky, among several waltzes for fans to enjoy. Overall, a timeless classic with a Russian twist.

You can learn more about Trio Voronezh on their website below, and we can’t wait for you to Be Our Guest at Beauty and the Beast!